by Deniss Pleiner, M.A.
I am a fan of love, of finding the right person to love you and accept you for all of who you are. But I also believe that we set the bar.
If we are unkind to ourselves, we are more easily accepting of others being unkind towards us. So today, to close off the month of love, I am talking about the most important kind of Love: Self-Love.
Take Yourself Out on Dates
Go to the movies, have dinner, go out for coffee for 20 minutes
Spending time with yourself allows you to get to know yourself/ How can you love someone you don't know?
Try new Things
When you allow yourself to try new things, experience new things, you give yourself a chance to learn, grown, and be proud of what you can do
Practice Self-Compassion
Remember to be kind to yourself and stay away from negative thoughts
Schedule in Down-Time
Allow yourself time to recharge and recenter.
Reading, meditation, a hot bath
Set Healthy Boundaries
Allow yourself to choose long term inner peace rather than short term relief by pleasing others.
Remember that self love is not just for when we are single but it is just as crucial when we are in a relationship. It keeps us from getting lost in a relationship but also helps us add to a relationship because we have our own experiences, opinions, and thoughts.
Check out the full Youtube video below to learn the more about these Habits for Self-Love!
Always cheering for you
Deniss 📣✨