by Deniss Pleiner, M.A.
Here are a few things you need to know about therapy...
It is its own individual journey but you are protected by laws and ethics of our profession. You might be seriously considering therapy but if any of these myths are holding you back, I'm helping you break through them.
You might be seriously considering therapy but if any of these myths are holding you back, I'm helping you break through them.
This week I am debunking some myths to help you get a better and more correct idea about therapy and what to expect and hopefully get you to take that last step towards healing.
Myth #1: They Will Tell Other People
Myth #2: Your Therapist will Fix You
Myth #3: It’s One Size Fits All
Myth #4: They will Try to Medicate Me
Myth #5: It is very expensive
Check out the full Youtube video below to learn the more about these therapy myths!
And if you liked this video, I have another video on misconceptions about therapy that YOU shared with me on my channel so check that out as well!
Always cheering for you
Deniss 📣✨